WSOP | Seven Card Stud Tips | How to Play

How To Play | Seven Card Stud Tips

As poker is a game of knowledge, skill, and strategy with a little luck thrown in, learning as much as you can about the game will help you increase your chances of success. These seven card stud tips may just be what you need to get the edge on the competition.

Choosing the Right Game

There are a few variations of Seven Card Stud to consider. If you're not familiar with the type of stud poker game being played at a table, move on to another one until you find something you are comfortable with. When choosing the table, also consider the stakes and the number of opponents at the table.


You will need to practice on a regular basis to learn to adapt your strategy to the situations that play out on the table. As you practice, you'll also want to take note of your tells and how you can hide them. Practicing will improve: your self discipline, your critical thinking skills, and your ability to control your emotions and operate well under pressure, making you better for the real game. Remember, it's not necessarily the years of experience that turn novice players into professionals.

Looking for Tells

Tells are involuntary actions that will give someone away at the table. These can be small movements and gestures in body language, showing visible signs of anxiety, continuously looking over at the chips, etc. Remember though, experienced players may actually produce false tells because they know you're looking for them and want to throw you off. Online poker tells may include when a player takes longer than normal to take his turn, strays away from his normal patterns, or changes the size of his bets.


Pay attention to things such as the initial size of the bet, the call, raises, etc. As you watch players, you may be able to find ways to get them to fold so that you can take the pot whether or not you had the winning hand.


Bluffing should be done carefully. It's an important strategy, because if you have a terrible hand, you may still win the pot. Don't do it often, though, because other players at the table will catch on.

Stay within the Bankroll

If you've got a lot of money, this doesn't justify throwing it around or making ridiculous bets. Play within your means for the best success.

Learn when to Fold

No player has to play every hand. Folding is something you shouldn't be afraid to do, because in many cases, it's your best option. It will save you money on bets, and may give you a little bluffing room later.

Don't Lean on Starting Hand Charts

While starting hand charts are good to help you learn in the beginning, you shouldn't use them long. Continuously leaning on these charts could hinder your ability to excel as a player.

The case of a tie with the high hands to begin a round of betting, ties will be broken by position nearest the dealer.

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