WSOP | How to Join a Poker Table

Get Started | Join Poker Tables


Experience the thrill of poker online at the tables.

In the Poker Lobby you will see a scrollable list of ring game tables, along with relevant information and statistics for each table.

Click the "All games" tab. As the name suggests, you can find everything there. On the tabs below, choose what kind of poker you want to play (Texas Holdem, Omaha, Stud), further below, you can choose between No limit, Pot limit and Fixed limit tables.

WSOP all games

You can sort the list according to your preferences by clicking on any column header (stakes, limit, players, average pot, and hands per hour).

You can also filter the list according to stakes, number of players, and table availability using the checkboxes below the main table.

WSOP join a table table stakes

Click once on any table to preview players at that table by using the Table Information box to the right. Here you can see how much money each player has and whether other players are waiting to join that table. Click on "Join Table" or "Waiting List" to get in on the action.

WSOP join a table player details

Double click on any table in the main list to sit in. If a table is full, you will be prompted to join that table's Waiting List until a seat becomes available.

WSOP join a poker table list

You can buy into a ring game with the maximum amount of chips, or specify a different amount in the window that pops up.

WSOP join a poker table

You can also use our Favorites search engine, which allows you to customize your navigation through our wide selection of games according to your preferences.

If you run into any problems, feel free to contact us as

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