
2015/2016 WSOP Circuit - PALM BEACH KENNEL CLUB (Florida)

Friday, September 25, 2015 to Monday, September 28, 2015

Event #10: MAIN EVENT

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  • Buy-in: $1,675
  • Prizepool: $589,501
  • Entries: 393
  • Remaining: 0


Monday, September 28, 2015 2:18 PM Local Time
Javier Zarco Eliminated in 2nd Place ($80,143); Peter Vitantonio Wins!

Javier Zarco (pictured) opens the button to 90,000 and Peter Vitantonio calls.

The flop comes down     and Vitantonio checks. Zarco continues for 80,000 only to have Vitantonio come over the top for 205,000 total. Zarco calls.

Fourth street is the   and Vitantonio cuts out a bet of 275,000. Zarco once again moves forward calling chips. The   hits the river and Vitantonio moves all in. Zarco peers at his hand one last time as he ponders calling off his last roughly 1.1 million. In the end, in flings out a single chip, signifying a call.

"Two pair," remarks Vitantonio, showing    for kings up.

Zarco shows    for a pair of eights before his hand is pulled into the muck. He's eliminated as the runner-up and collects $80,143 in prize money.

Peter Vitantonio - 7,860,000
Javier Zarco - Eliminated

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