
2016 47th Annual World Series of Poker

Thursday, June 30, 2016 to Saturday, July 02, 2016

Event #53: $1,500 Mixed PLO/8; Omaha/8; and Big O

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $901,800
  • Entries: 668
  • Remaining: 0


Saturday, July 2, 2016 3:04 PM Local Time
Three Table Redraw

Table 1
1 - Fu-Bang Huang (326,000)
2 - Yuval Bronshtein (360,000)
3 - John Monnette (400,000)
4 - Mark Johns (193,500)
5 - Timothy Burt (228,500)
6 - Allan Le (372,500)
7 - Gary Bolden (202,500)

Table 2
1- Kate Hoang (100,000)
2 - David Bach (74,000)
3 - Cody Crouch (396,500)
4- Keith Ferrera (395,000)
5 - Jordan Siegel (123,000)
6 - Bart Hanson (440,500)
7 - Alexey Makarov (300,000)

 Table 3
1- Gavin Smith (232,000)
2- Travis Redman (83,000)
3 - Michael Fishel (100,000)
4- Jesse Simonelli (23,000)
5 - Philipp Eirisch (270,000)
6 - Usman Siqqiqui (325,000)
7- Dan Saltmarsh (26,000)

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