Friday, December 03, 2021 to Sunday, December 05, 2021
WSOPC Event #10: No Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT
- Buy-in: $1,700
- Prizepool: $2,129,821
- Entries: 1,375
- Remaining: 0
Monday, December 6, 2021 10:10 PM Local Time
Asaf Benn Shushan Shoves on Scott Davis Twice
Scott Davis opened to 800,000 from the small blind and Asaf Benn Shushan three-bet shoved from the big blind.
"Every time I make a standard open, you have it," Davis said before folding.
Just a few hands later, Davis opened to 800,000 from the cutoff and Shushan shoved from the button. Once again, Davis laid it down.
Scott Davis - 9,000,000
Asaf Benn Shushan - 8,500,000