
2012 43rd Annual World Series of Poker

Monday, June 01, 2015 to Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Event #8: $1,500 Pot-Limit Hold'em

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $862,650
  • Entries: 639
  • Remaining: 0


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 6:40 PM Local Time
Hand #64: Kevin Andriamahefa Eliminated in 7th Place ($24,007)

Kevin Andriamahefa

Kevin Andriamahefa - 7th place

Paul Michaelis raises to 65,000 from early position and Kevin Andriamahefa reraises the pot - a total of 225,000 which is most of his stack.

Michaelis moves all in and Andriamahefa calls immediately and tables    which is dominated by the    of the chip leader. The board runs out       and Andriamahefa is eliminated in seventh place for $24,007.

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