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2010/11 WSOP Circuit - HARVEYS LAKE TAHOE (Nevada)

Sunday, November 21, 2010 to Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Event #30: $1,600 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event

  • Buy-in: $1,600
  • Prizepool: $354,240
  • Entries: 246
  • Remaining: 0


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Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:30 PM Local Time

Stann Quinn - Champion!

That's a wrap here at Harvey's Lake Tahoe. Congratulations to former IT management worker turned poker professional Stan Quinn for taking down the WSOP Circuit Main Event here in cold and snowy Lake Tahoe!

The final table began with Michael Traylor holding a big chip lead. Traylor had a lot of ups and downs all day long and eventually fell in third place. When he went out, things didn't take long at all between Quinn and John McNeilly.

McNeilly had battled all the way down to two players, but couldn't overcome the pocket jacks of Quinn with his    after the money went in on the eight-high flop. McNeilly placed second just one year after he finished ninth in this same WSOP Circuit event. That's quite the two-year run for him, an excellent, excellent job.

Quinn is the only player at this final table that previously cashed in the WSOP Main Event. He did so this year, finishing in 549th place. He can now add this big win to his poker record. A whopping $86,789 goes to him for winning along with a seat in the $1,000,000 National Championship Freeroll at the end of the season. He also claims the shiny gold WSOP-C championship ring.

That wraps up PokerNews' coverage of this event from Harvey's Lake Tahoe. We've always got plenty of live reporting going on, so be sure to stay tuned to all of our coverage. Other than that, thanks for following along and hopefully we'll be seeing you on the tournament trail down the road!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:26 PM Local Time

John McNeilly - 2nd place

Stan Quinn opened to 150,000 from the button, and John McNeilly quickly called to head off to what would be the final flop of the day.

The dealer spread out      , and McNeilly checked. Quinn, acting carefully, cut out 200,000 chips and slid them slowly forward. McNeilly instantly announced an all-in check-raise, and the call from Quinn meant nearly all of the chips in play were up for grabs. McNeilly was slightly covered, so it was he who was at risk as the cards were turned up:



Quinn's overpair was ahead for the time being, but he'd have to sweat. The turn   gave McNeilly a world of outs to double up into a commanding lead. He'd need any four, seven, eight, or nine to prolong the day.

River:  .

That's safe and sound for Quinn, and he has climbed to the top of this mountain to eliminate John McNeilly, the last man standing between him and Circuit gold.

So then, John McNeilly is our runner-up for this Main Event. He finished in 9th place in this same event last year, and he's done quite a bit better for himself this time around. His paycheck is worth $53,625, and we'll likely see him back here again next year to try once more for that elusive ring.

A special shout goes out to John's family who've been following along and sweating him via our updates all week. Thanks, McNeillys!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:20 PM Local Time

John McNeilly raised from the button, and Stan Quinn called to see a flop. Both men checked through the      , and the   hit the turn. When Quinn checked again, McNeilly took his cue to bet 275,000, enough to win him the pot.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:12 PM Local Time

Michael Traylor - 3rd Place

Michael Traylor raised from the small blind to 125,000. Stan Quinn reraised from the big blind to 375,000. Traylor moved all in for 840,000 and Quinn went into the tank for a few minutes. He made the call and Traylor announced that he was just making a move, tabling the   . Quinn held the   .

The flop came down     and both players picked up a gutshot straight draw. The turn paired the board with the   and the river finished things off with the  . Traylor failed to get there and was eliminated in third place for $38,743.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:11 PM Local Time

Michael Traylor completed from the small blind and Stan Quinn raised from the big blind to 175,000. Traylor made the call and checked in the dark. The flop came down     and Quinn bet 140,000. Traylor snap-called and checked in the dark again.

The turn added the   to the board and Quinn fired 300,000. An insta-call came from Traylor again, but this time he didn't check in the dark.

The river completed the board with the   and Traylor checked. Quinn checked behind and opened up the   . "You win, sir," said Traylor, mucking his hand.

Traylor dropped to 900,000 in chips while Quinn moved to 2.2 million.

Gorilla Gaming
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:09 PM Local Time

From the small blind, Stan Quinn raised to 150,000, and John McNeilly called from the big blind. The flop came      , and Quinn continued out with 200,000 more chips. Without missing a beat, McNeilly announced a covering all in raise. The move took Quinn aback, and he took his time to think it over before letting McNeilly take it down.

McNeilly - 2.245 million

Quinn - 1.1 million

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:07 PM Local Time

Michael Traylor

Michael Traylor has been pretty quiet for most of the level, just now opening up to play some hands.

On his last button, he opened to 160,000 for the first time in a while. Stan Quinn didn't much care; he went ahead and three-bet to what looked like 500,000 straight, and Traylor tank-folded.

The next time around, Traylor raised a bit more, 200,000 from the button. Quinn took a long pause and cut out chips once again, but this time he decided to surrender after a few minutes of thought.

Two hands later, Traylor once again opened the pot, this time making it 200,000 from the small blind. Quinn didn't seem to want to, but he passed and let Traylor take it once again.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:04 PM Local Time

On the next orbit, Stan Quinn limped the small blind, and John McNeilly took a free flop from the big. It came      , and Quinn made a small 50,000-chip bet. McNeilly raised to 175,000, and Quinn called.

The   on fourth street drew a check from Quinn, and he would quickly fold to a 225,000-chip bet from McNeilly.

McNeilly - 1.65 million

Quinn - 1.495 million

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:01 PM Local Time

Stan Quinn raised to 125,000 from the small blind, and John McNeilly called to see a flop. It came      , and Quinn check-called a bet of 150,000.

The   landed on the turn, and both men checked to see the   land on the river. Quinn took the lead now, firing out 200,000 at the pot. McNeilly tanked for a while before surrendering, and Quinn flashed     as a courtesy.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:50 PM Local Time

Returning from the break, John McNeilly offered his two opponents bottles of Vitamin Water from his bag. Michael Traylor passed, but Stan Quinn gladly accepted. McNeilly held up two bottles, one red and one pink, and offered Quinn his choice.

"Pink! Whatever it is." When Quinn received his tasty beverage, he read the label and saw the flavor printed on the side: Focus.


Gorilla Gaming
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:26 PM Local Time

The remaining three players are off for a 10-minute break. We'll be right back with chip counts.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:21 PM Local Time

Michael Traylor raised to 125,000 from the small blind. Stan Quinn called from the big blind and the flop came down     with Traylor checking in the dark. Quinn fired 160,000 and instantly, Traylor put in a raise to 425,000. Quinn tank-folded and Traylor showed just the  .

Traylor moved up to 2.1 million while Quinn dropped to 1.2 million.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:09 PM Local Time

Dan Black - 4th place

From the button, Michael Traylor limped in for the minimum 40,000. Stan Quinn completed from the small blind, and Dan Black said, "Let's go," for a free flop in the big. It would be quite the action flop.

The dealer spread out      , and Black led out with a bet of 185,000. Traylor instantly announced an all-in raise, and Quinn took some time to consider before surrendering his hand. Black called off his remaining 365,000, and he was at risk as the cards were turned up:



Traylor had flopped the straight, but Black was drawing live with top pair and the open-ender. The turn   made things even more interesting as Black picked up another seven outs to survive with a diamond flush. The river was the right color, but the   was the wrong suit to save Black's tournament life.

The Day 1 chip lead took him all the way to the final table, but Black's run has come to an end in 4th place. He'll pick up a check for close to $30,000 on his way out the door.

Traylor has the chip lead once again with 1.9 million flat.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:50 PM Local Time

Stan Quinn raised to 100,000 from the button, and Dan Black called to see a flop.

It came      , and Black checked. Quinn took his cue to continue out with 160,000 chips, and that drew a long pause from Black. He cut down his full stack of just less than 700,000 before double-checking his hole cards several times and returning them to the dealer face-down.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:48 PM Local Time

From the button, Jim McNeilly opened to 160,000, and he found a call from big blind Stan Quinn. Heads-up, the two men took a flop of      , and Quinn tapped the table. When McNeilly continued out with a small bet of 85,000, Quinn immediately check-raised to 200,000 straight. McNeilly eyed up the bet before announcing an all-in reraise, and Quinn surrendered as he flashed the  .

Gorilla Gaming
Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:38 PM Local Time

Stan Quinn

From the small blind, Michael Traylor raised to 120,000. Stan Quinn made the call from the big blind and the flop came down    . Both players checked to see the   add trips to the board. Traylor fired 125,000 and Quinn made the call.

The river completed the board with the   and Traylor fired 250,000. Quinn tanked for a couple minutes and then made the call. "Good call," said Traylor. Quinn turned over the    to beat the    for Traylor.

Traylor dropped to 1.13 million while Quinn assumed the pole position with 1.65 million.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:22 PM Local Time

Michael Traylor raised from the button to 95,000. Dan Black moved all in from the big blind for about 820,000 and won the pot.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:17 PM Local Time

Stan Quinn raised to 120,000 from the small blind to kick off the new level and Dan Black called from the big blind. The flop came down     and a bet of 200,000 from Quinn was good enough to win the pot.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:11 PM Local Time

Two hands ago, Stan Quinn opened to 80,000 from the small blind, and Dan Black came along with a call from the big. The flop rolled out      , and Quinn let Black take a stab at it. When he bet 115,000, though, Quinn check-raised to 230,000, and Black yielded to the raise.

On the last hand, Quinn raised to 80,000 under the gun, and Black was the only caller once again. The       flop drew a continuation bet of 120,000 from Quinn, and Black once again surrendered.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 2:47 PM Local Time

Drew Caseri - 5th Place

The action folded around to the blinds where Michael Traylor completed from the small. In the big, Drew Caseri had just over 170,000 chips left, and he announced an all in. Traylor snap-called, and the cards were on their backs.




The flop was in Caseri's neighborhood as it came       to draw a big, "Yes!" from his lady friend on the rail as he pulled into a big lead with two to come. It's never easy, though. The   turn gave Traylor the nine clubs to work with as well, and the river would come through for him. The   river was one of his outs, and it was enough to eliminate Caseri in 5th place. That's good for more than $20,000.

Playtika - Jason Alexander