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2011 42nd Annual World Series of Poker

Wednesday, June 22, 2011 to Friday, June 24, 2011

Event #38: $1,500 No-Limit Hold’em

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  • Buy-in: $1,500
  • Prizepool: $2,959,200
  • Entries: 2,192
  • Remaining: 0


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Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:40 PM Local Time

Champion Arkadiy Tsinis

Another donkament has been done and dusted for the 2011 World Series of Poker with Event #38: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em being taken down by Arkadiy Tsinis.

Beginning several days ago with 2,192 entrants, the field was stacked with online grinders, seasoned pros and total amateurs all looking to take a piece of the $2,959,200 prizepool home. Nearly ninety-percent of the field was culled throughout day one as only 298 players managed to bag and tag and survive for a day two berth.

A bust-out here and there saw the money reached fairly quickly before a steady flow of eliminations throughout the day would leave just twenty-three players eyeing WSOP glory following Luke Staudenmaier (178th), Steve Brecher (174th), Bryan Devonshire (155th), Kai Paulson (108th), Matthias De Meulder (105th), Bernard Lee (78th), Sam Trickett (57th), Sebastian Ruthenberg (40th) and Tad Jurgens (32nd) all falling short of the (expected) final day.

The headline story was that notable female professional player Melanie Weisner was still in contention and looking not only to become another female to make a WSOP final table this series, but also prove victorious. Unfortunately for Weisner, her run would end in 14th place as the final table of nine was reached at the mid-point of the day.

Play would start slowly, but following a double elimination and then a quick exit by David Rounick in seventh, we were down to six before Perry Lin and Paul Nash fell next. With three levels remaining in the night, Randolph Lanosga would fall in third as Arkadiy Tsinis held a three-to-two heads-up chip advantage over Michael Blanovsky.

Tsinis would extend his lead to be nearly an eight-to-one favorite before Blanovsky doubled through and then closed the gap to virtually even. Tsinis would then push back out to the biggest lead of the battle before play was called for the night with Tsinis (7,110,000) holding the lead against Blanovsky (2,765,000). Returning today, Blanovsky found a double and then eventually took the lead before Tsinis would snatch it back with a double holding    before eventually turning the nut-straight in an all-in preflop clash to send Blanovsky to the rail.

1stArkadiy TsinisUSA$540,136
2ndMichael BlanovskyUSA$336,253
3rdRandolph LanosgaUSA$233,732
4thPim de GoedeFrance$168,334
5thPaul NashEngland$123,028
6thPerry LinUSA$91,010
7thDavid RounickUSA$68,209
8thRyan LaplanteUSA$51,771
9thChristopher HomanUSA$39,756

For Tsinis, this marks his eleventh WSOP cash and first major victory of his poker career. However it is his old-school gamer career that now will have to do some catching up as this chess pro and top twenty world backgammon player has a gold bracelet to add to his trophy cabinet as well as $540,136 in prizemoney.

PokerNews would like to congratulate Arkadiy Tsinis on an excellently played tournament that feature bouts of aggression and timeliness to eventually topple the 2,192-player field. If you at home haven't got your $1,500 donkament fix, then head over to the Event #43: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em coverage as the best live reporting team in the business continues to provide live updates of the 2011 World Series of Poker!

Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:30 PM Local Time

Michael Banovsky - 2nd Place

From the button Arkadiy Tsinis moved all in and Michael Blanovsky quickly made the call for just shy of 2,000,000 as the cards were placed on their backs.


With Blanovsky in the lead for his tournament life, he would catch a pair on the flop as the dealer spread the    . Unfortunately for Blankovsky, this particular flop gave his opponent Tsinis the maximum outs (excluding four-card flushes) as any king, queen, jack or eight would see him take the lead.

The dealer burned, turned and then revealed the   to see Tsinis spike an unbeatable straight as the meaningless   landed on the river to send Blankovsky to the rail in second place for a $336,253 payday as Arkadiy Tsinis is crowned Event #38 Champion!

Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:18 PM Local Time

Heads Up

From the button Michael Blanovsky moved all in and Arkadiy Tsinis folded.

The following hand saw Tsinis attempt the button shove, and Blanovsky responded with a fold.

Blankovsky wanted the last word, and on the third consecutive hand, the button player pushed with Blanovsky forcing a fold from Tsinis.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:15 PM Local Time

Catching the action on the turn with the board reading     , Michael Blanovsky led for 550,000 and Arkadiy Tsinis made the call.

When the river landed the  , Blanovsky fired again; this time for 1,350,000 and again Tsinis made the call.

Blanovsky tabled his    for complete air, while it would be Tsinis'    for a flush that would see him take the pot and move to over 7 million in chips.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:11 PM Local Time

Michael Blanovsky opened the button to 320,000 only to have Arkadiy Tsinis move all in for 2,475,000. Blanovsky quickly made the call.


The board ran out       to see Tsinis double through to just shy of 5 million in chips to sit just one-and-a-half antes ahead of Blanovsky.

Arkadiy Tsinis4,990,0002,690,000
Michael Blanovsky4,870,000-2,690,000
Gorilla Gaming
Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:08 PM Local Time

Michael Blanovsky finds a double

From the button, Michael Blanovsky opened to 320,000 only to have Arkadiy Tsinis move all in. Blanovsky instantly made the call for his 3,760,000 total as the cards were tabled.


The flop of     gave Tsinis eight outs to ship the gold bracelet his way, but when the   and   landed on the turn and river, Blanovsky doubled through to over 7.5 million as Tsinis slipped to 2.3 million in chips.

Michael Blanovsky7,560,0004,230,000
Arkadiy Tsinis2,300,000-4,230,000
Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:59 PM Local Time

Arkadiy Tsinis limped in and Michael Blanovsky checked to see a     flop fall. Blanovsky check-called 160,000 before the   and   was checked through on the turn and river.

Blanovsky tabled his    for two-pair and collected the pot.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:55 PM Local Time

Michael Blanovsky opened the button and Arkadiy Tsinis made the call from the big blind before checking the     flop.

Blanovsky continued for 420,000 before Tsinis moved all in to put Blanovsky at risk. Blanovsky lent back in his chair while continuing to shuffle chips before making some awkward looking gestures at the pot.

Eventually Blanovsky would drop his cards towards the muck to relinquish the hand and slip to 3.3 million.

Arkadiy Tsinis6,530,0001,170,000
Michael Blanovsky3,330,000-1,170,000
Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:50 PM Local Time

Over the past few hands, Michael Blanovsky has pushed over an Arkadiy Tsinis preflop raise.

Although Tsinis has shown some interest in the hand, each time this has happened over the past hour of play, he has casually folded his hand.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:45 PM Local Time

Michael Blanovsky opened to 320,000 from the button and Arkadiy Tsinis made the call to see a     flop fall.

Tsinis checked, and when faced with the continuation-bet of Blanovsky, he folded his hand.

Gorilla Gaming
Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:43 PM Local Time

Arkadiy Tsinis limped the button and Michael Blanovsky checked his option to see a     flop fall.

Blanovsky checked and Tsinis pushed out 160,000 to force a fold from Blanovsky.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:42 PM Local Time

For those of you following along at home, you can also watch a delayed live stream at

There are no holecards, but with a view of the heads-up match in combination with our coverage, it definitely makes for excellent viewing.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:42 PM Local Time

As Tournament Director and Thunder-Dome announcer Robbie Thompson stated, "Lets play a little higher!"

With only sixty-big blinds shared between the two players, many will be expecting for this to end soon. But with the way these two have been playing, it could be a long day (and possibly) night for the players, railbirds and media members.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:40 PM Local Time
Level: 32
Blinds: 80000/160000
Ante: 20000
Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:36 PM Local Time

Michael Blanovsky opened to 240,000 and Arkadiy Tsinis made the call before checking the     flop.

Blanovsky continued for 250,000 only to have Tsinis slide out a check-raise amounting to 750,000. Blanovsky folded and Tsinis raked in the pot.

Playtika - Jason Alexander
Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:33 PM Local Time

Arkadiy Tsinis opened the button for 240,000 and Michael Blanovsky three-bet to 770,000.

Tsinis tanked for nearly two minutes before eventually folding his hand.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:30 PM Local Time

Michael Blanovsky opened for his usual 240,000 and Arkadiy Tsinis made the call to see a     flop fall.

Tsinis led for 325,000, but Blanovsky responded by moving all in for roughly an additional 3.4 million. Tsinis folded while slipping to just over 5.3 million and Blanovsky moved to 4.5 million in chips.

Arkadiy Tsinis5,360,000-740,000
Michael Blanovsky4,500,000800,000
Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:24 PM Local Time

Arkadiy Tsinis limped the button only to have Michael Blanovsky bump it up an additional 240,000. Tsinis called as the     flop was greeted by a Blanovsky continuation-bet of 545,000.

Tsinis opted to pass, and Blanovsky captured the pot to close the gap between the two.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:20 PM Local Time

Arkadiy Tsinis opened to 240,000 from the button and Michael Blanovsky made the call to see a     flop fall.

Blanovsky led out for 370,000 and Tsinis angled his cards at the muck.

Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:19 PM Local Time

Arkadiy Tsinis

Michael Blanovsky opened the button to 240,000 only to have Arkadiy Tsinis slide out a three-bet amounting to 720,000.

Blankovsky contemplated for several minutes before eventually releasing his hand.

Gorilla Gaming